01/11/2024 0 Kommentare
Pastor's Desk
Pastor's Desk
# Pastor's Schreibtisch

Pastor's Desk
Trust that you are being led
Do you know the feeling of just not knowing what to do next? You may be at a point in life where you think, “What now?” You look to the future and see nothing but question marks.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own mind. Recognize his ways and he will make your paths straight. This may sound easier than it actually is. But this trust is exactly what we often lack.
God's path with us is rarely straight and smooth. Sometimes he leads us into areas we would never have expected, and sometimes he even seems to be silent. But even when God is silent, he is still there. Sometimes he only shows us the next step once we have taken the first. Trust means taking that step anyway – not because we always understand the direction, but because we know that we are not alone.
Imagine walking along a dark path at night with a flashlight. The light is only a few steps ahead of you. You don't see the whole destination, but you see enough to move forward. That is how God guides us: step by step. He gives us light for the next step, not for the whole way.
Whatever is unsettling or frightening you at the moment – dare to take the next step, trust that you will be guided, and give control into God's hands.
Because God not only knows where you are going; he is already there.